Important Shipping Info!
We use FedEx Ground and UPS Ground for most of our shipments.
FedEx and UPS generally delivers packages within the stated estimated transit times, although we cannot guarantee when packages will be delivered. ALWAYS allow extra time when ordering – ESPECIALLY to the western half of the US where packages have occasionally been delayed for several days with no explanation.
Our current order volume is very high especially from March through November so if you have a specific date you need to receive your order by please use the comments section to make sure we’re aware of that. We have added a Priority Processing option when checking out if you’ve waited just a bit too long to order and need special attention (not that any racers actually wait til the last possible minute to order tires)
Once your order leaves our warehouse the carrier is responsible for the delivery of the tires. If tires go missing in transit you need to file a claim with the carrier. We can assist, but it is not PTS’s fault if the carrier fails to do its job properly. We strongly recommend adding the Shipping Insurance option when checking out as that is the only way to protect the full purchase price of your order. Uninsured packages will only pay out $100 on a claim.
Important info for special order requests such as heat cycling, tire shaving, and mounting and balancing services – in the event of lost packages on any order involving these special services, a replacement order will incur the labor charges for those services.
We appreciate all of our customers and we always strive to do our absolute best!
Thank you!
Kim and Phil